…brings a week of content, as the popular blogger Instagramable quote goes.

For those of us not lucky enough to blog full time, the weekend is when we get all the blog stuff done. If, like Bonjour, Blogger!, you blog daily, or at least on a regular basis, then it might be difficult for you to get all 7 posts done in one day, then it’s still a good idea to plan out your ideas for the week ahead.
Head over to our shop to pick up your free printable week planner, pull out your favourite coloured pens (hey, even get that glitter out if it makes you happy!) and plan out what you want to do each day! When the posts publish, use the spaces in each block to tick off when you’ve promoted the post on the various social media sites.
Another useful thing to do is to make sure that anything that needs a little attention every so often is checked over. For us, that means making sure that Buffer is filled up with tweets, making sure that posts have been tagged so they can be found more easily when people are searching for a specific topic, and pin any unpinned posts to Pinterest.
Finally, use your Sunday to get your emails sorted. There’s bound to be something still in your inbox, waiting to be replied to, so get it done already! Don’t forget to set up your autoreplies to make things easier.
What do you do on a Sunday to make things easier for your blog week ahead?