When you send an email from your blog email address, are you missing out on some prime real estate? We’re talking about your signature – it’s a section that you probably haven’t thought about much, but it could really help drive people to visit your blog, etc.
Most email platforms can automatically include your signature at the bottom of your email, and it’s a nicer way to finish off your email than just writing your name (although there’s nothing wrong with that either!) but you could make it perform so much better!
The most basic version of a signature would include your name, your website, perhaps your email address and maybe a link to your Instagram page. But why not make it into a thing of beauty? You could add a photo of yourself (useful to remind a PR person of your face/style, so they could consider you for more work), add in links to your latest post or add icons for your different social media platforms.
Have a play around with it – use apps like Word or Google Docs to draft out how it would look (you could do a fully image based signature, but then it wouldn’t be so easy to include clickable links)
Here’s our old one for Bonjour, Blogger!:

And here’s the new version:

Show us how you spruce up your signature block!