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  1. When I first started blogging, I noticed a lot of bloggers had “PR friendly” somewhere on their blog – and it was usually pretty obvious as well. I thought that that must be a good way to get in touch with PR. Wrong! I also thought it looked pretty tacky. I’ve changed it now to say something along the lines of “I love working with others”. Maybe that should be changed as well, though… Great post – thanks for sharing!

  2. Ha ha, maybe I should put “PR unfriendly” on my blog, just so they’re not surprised when I forget to reply.

    I’m kidding (about the PR unfriendly. Not about forgetting to reply to emails).

  3. I’m not a fan of the phrase at all. It always makes me think it gives the impression that we bite so we need a badge to show who’s “tame”!

    Agree that a “work with me” page is great.

  4. I wanted my blog to have readers so it is already ‘friendly’ as it is! I mentioned on the ‘about me’ that I can be contacted anytime about anything. (I.e. reviews)

  5. Given the increasing amount of blogs that seem to have virtually nothing but ‘featured posts’, I think that ‘roll on my back, tickle my tummy and call me Mary’ would be a more appropriate turn of phrase.

  6. I keep noticing the phrase in blogger’s Twitter profiles and I have to wonder…do PR reps really use the hashtag to find potential bloggers? It does sound like they’re begging, and honestly I just don’t think I would probably wouldn’t accept most of the companies who would find somebody that way. (Assuming they are tiny companies asking me to review for $10 worth of product I don’t actually want/need.) If, however, major companies are finding bloggers that way then I may need to change my tune!

    I appreciate your insight – I’m glad other people share my icky feeling about the term!

  7. “PR Friendly” says to me you want free stuff. As a PR girl, I wouldn’t be more compelled to reach out to someone because they have “PR Friendly” in their bio. I agree it’s tacky.

  8. Hi! I like most of what you said about why we shouldn’t say we’re “PR Friendly.” I’ve been trying to work out how to get across that I am even though I blog about some…unique things.

    My one complaint about your blog is that I can’t read half of the article because it’s too wide. :( Would you be able to fix this?

    1. Hi Samantha, thanks for the comment! I’m sorry you’re having problems viewing the site – could you send me a screenshot to hi @ and let me know what you’re viewing the site on? It is supposed to be a responsive site but something must be broken!

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